You can typically expect comforters and bedspreads to last five and six years depending on use and care. A bedspread is an outer covering for a bed that goes over the sheets and blankets. It is usually a decorative component of the bed set. A comforter is a quilted bed cover that consists of an outer face fabric, a center batting (usually a fiber mat or down), and a backing fabric. These three layers are held together with a stitched... View Article
In New England, a good winter coat becomes an everyday staple of our wardrobe. It’s important to keep your coat looking its best by ensuring proper cleaning, storage, and care for it over time. Here are a few simple tips on how to properly care for your favorite coat: When cleaning your coat, follow the care label for the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to immediately treat any stains by blotting the stain (never rub the stain). The longer dirt or... View Article
Do you want your table to look perfect this holiday season? Many linens are special, as they may have been gifted to you or an heirloom handed down from generation to generation. Unfortunately, even on holidays, accidents happen and you may encounter drink and food spills. Knowing how to properly care for your linens becomes especially important during the holidays. How to care for antique linens: Many families use heirloom linens during the holiday season. Although Anton’s may not... View Article