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  Does frequent drycleaning shorten the life of a garment? A. To the contrary, frequent cleaning extends the life of a garment. Not only do stains set with age, making the garment unwearable, but ground-in dirt and soil act as an abrasive, like sandpaper, causing rapid wear of fibers. If that isn’t enough of a reason to continue dry cleaning, insects are attracted to soiled clothes and will cause further damage if garments aren’t properly cared for. When a garment’s... View Article

Home Laundry: Tips & Tricks

One of the world’s biggest soap manufacturers, Procter & Gamble, says many people do their laundry incorrectly by not sorting loads, overloading machines, and washing clothes too often. Americans spend more time doing laundry than 50 years ago, but research shows the clothes are coming out less clean and more worn than elsewhere in the world. The Procter & Gamble study found the average American did laundry nine hours per week. This phenomenon is likely due to the singular wearing... View Article