Looking for another way to give? Keep our lovely young ladies through Belle of the Ball and families through Coats for Kids smiling, by shopping on Amazon Smile! AmazonSmile is the same Amazon – same products, same prices, same service. It’s easy, when you’re planning on buying something on Amazon, go to smile.amazon.com and choose Caring Partners, Inc as the benefiting nonprofit! A portion of your total sale will be donated to these great programs! Caring Partners, Inc. has no administration costs,... View Article
Spring is here, many of us can help but think of putting away our bulky winter coats, sweaters, and down comforters for the year. Now is a great time to begin storing winter items and free up space in your closets. Here are few simple guidelines to follow when storing your wardrobe: Wash or dry clean your clothes before storing them for the summer. Even if your clothes were worn once, human skin can leave residue in the material that... View Article
New Englanders know colder weather is on the horizon. Sweater season will be in full effect and you want to make sure that these garments are well cared for to ensure a long shelf life. Since hanging sweaters can cause them to lose shape or stretch, the best way to store sweaters is to fold and place on a flat surface, such as a drawer or closet shelf. To avoid wrinkles or bulges, you’ll want to be sure to fold... View Article
We’ve had a small taste of beautiful weather and the first day of summer is upon us. Polo shirts will see plenty of use this time of year, as many people embrace this garment because of its versatility. You can look presentable for work AND relaxed enough for play. This garment does require some consideration when it comes to clothing care. Polo shirts are often primarily made of cotton and can be susceptible to fading and shrinkage after just a... View Article
To keep important garments looking their best year in and year out, it’s important to consider proper clothing storage. Sometimes it’s hard to find the space in your home to store everything the right way. Try Anton’s Closet, our seasonal clothing storage program where we carefully box and preserve your garments in a temperature-controlled facility and press them when you’re ready to pick them up. You only pay for the cleaning. Here are 5 clothing storage tips that will help... View Article