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Prom Style 2012

Anton’s award-winning Belle of the Ball prom dress donation drive is in full swing. Now through April 1st, go through your closets and donate dresses that are in good shape and in current style at any of Anton’s 42 locations. You’ll be helping deserving young women go to their proms in style while lightening up your closet for spring.

Belle of the Ball Update

Thank you for your generosity during our 8th annual Belle of the Ball prom dress collection drive. You can help a young woman look and feel fabulous on prom night by donating that beautiful gown taking up space in your closet. You can also help by organizing a collection drive at your school or business. For more information, visit Gowns can be dropped off at any of our 42 locations or any Jordan’s Furniture store through April 1st.

How to Remove Chocolate Stains (for Valentine’s Day)

Who doesn’t love getting flowers and chocolate for Valentine’s Day, or any day for that matter? In addition to putting those flowers in water, make sure you don’t get any of that delicious chocolate on your special clothing and fabrics. Home stain removal can be tricky and its VERY important to check the fabric care label before doing anything. But if you are in a rush, or just had the garment cleaned and looking to remove the stain yourself, here... View Article

Winter Clearance Wonderland: 5 Items to Stock Up on Now

An easy way to give yourself an end-of-winter wardrobe lift while cost-effectively building your wardrobe for seasons to come is to take advantage of end-of-winter clearance sales. Here are 5 winter wardrobe staples to look for now:

Belle of the Ball Announcement

We are happy to announce our 8th annual Belle of the Ball dress collection drive and gala. Since 2005 Anton’s Cleaners has sponsored this special event for high school girls who otherwise would be unable to attend their school’s prom. From February 1-April 1, Anton’s is accepting gently-worn dresses of all sizes. Click here to learn more about this rewarding event and how you can help.