The 17th annual Coats for Kids drive has come to a close and we’re happy to report that we warmed over 56,000 families’ hearts this winter with generous coats donations from our many loyal Anton’s customers and community partners. We could not make such an impact without your help and we also want to recognize the over 240 schools, 150 companies, 150 community groups, and 85 distribution partners that helped make this all possible. We look forward to providing a... View Article
Thank you for supporting for the 17th annual Coats for Drive. We’re cleaning and distributing the last of the donations and calculating final totals (including school leaderboard) during the next few weeks. Over 240 schools, 150 companies and 150 community groups organized drives and we couldn’t do this without their support. Thank you again for helping warm the hearts of local families during this holiday season. Stay tuned for drive wrap-up coverage and we look forward to another successful drive... View Article
Antons’ Cleaners would like to wish you a very safe & happy New Year. Start the new year on the right note by taking the right measures to preserving your garments for years to come. Click here to read Arthur Anton Jr.’s annual clothing care resolutions.
Now that the holidays have come and gone, coat departments, from moderately priced chains like JC Penney and the Gap to high-end stores like Barneys and Saks Fifth Avenue, have been transformed into a sea of sale signs. If you are in need of a winter coat to get you through the rest of the winter months, now is the time to act. Here are five tips to help you navigate winter coat racks this season:
I will: Follow clothing care instructions and will not remove clothing care labels. Air out my clothes, remove all jewelry or pins, empty pockets and inspect for stains before putting them away. Keep hair spray, perfume and lotions away from coming in contact with my clothes, as they can cause stains. Immediately blot, not rub stains and treat them quickly and properly, so they don’t set permanently. Clean matching sets, such as suits and sweaters, at the same time to... View Article