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The Fit that Flatters: Tips for a Perfect Fit

We all know that eating right and exercising regularly can improve our appearance, but did you know that clothing that pulls, buckles, or droops can add “pounds”? Follow these guidelines to determine when you should adjust a hem or taper a sleeve: The Jacket Shoulder seams fall ¼ to ½ inches outside the shoulder. Waist is smooth and subtle. Sleeve length is just below the wrist bone. Your blouse or shirt can show – a ¼ inch is ideal. Lapels... View Article

Other Questions

Other Questions “How often should your clothes be cleaned?” Unlike oil changes and food freshness, clothes don’t come with instructions about how frequently they should be cleaned. Some people have a regular rotation, whereas others rely on the wrinkle or sniff test. There’s no right answer. It varies with heat and activity during the garment’s use, how much someone perspires and whether the garment gets stained. The Dryclean & Laundry Institute offers helpful guidelines developed from a survey of consumers... View Article

Swimsuit Questions

Swimsuits “Is there any special care I should give to my swimsuits?” A. Yes. The major problem is residual chlorine left in swimsuits. It can cause damage to the fabric. Most of us hang swimsuits out to dry and then put them away. Because of the possibility of chlorine damage, swimsuits should be rinsed out before hanging them out to dry. Then, launder them before storing away during the winter. “Do you have any suggestions to help prevent my bathing... View Article

Sweaters Questions

Sweaters “What is the proper way to fold a sweater?” A. Since hanging sweaters can cause them to lose shape or stretch, the best way to store sweaters is to fold and place on a flat surface, such as a drawer or closet shelf. To avoid wrinkles or bulges, you’ll want to be sure to fold them properly. Watch our clothing care expert, Arthur Anton, Jr., demonstrate the right way to fold a sweater in our quick (49 sec.) video.... View Article

Suits, Sport Coats, and Blazers Questions

Suits, Sport Coats, and Blazers “It seems that suits have returned. My office is requiring that I wear a suit and since I tend to perspire a lot, I’m worried about the warmer weather. What do you suggest?” A. The pendulum of workplace fashion is swinging back to suits, blazers and dress shirts. Fortunately, men’s suit makers have introduced new materials to add comfort in the warmer months. We see poplin suits that have polyester fibers designed to move moisture... View Article