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Dresses Questions

Dresses I have a dress with a sequin trim that I want to have cleaned. What do I need to know about cleaning this type of dress? A. The first step is to read the clothing care label. Some labels say, “spot clean only.” Some sequins are sensitive to heat and may curl or distort during the cleaning process. However, the major problem is the possible loss of sequins if they are glued to the garment rather than sewn. If... View Article

Coats and Outerwear Questions

Coats and Outerwear “Can you offer some tips on how I can make my coats last longer and still look sharp?” A. A coat is something that people see you wearing every day. Here are some practical precautions to keep your winter coat looking its best: Wear scarves to avoid soiling the collar––particularly for leather and suede coats. Avoid hanging the coat by its “neck” on a coat rack. Use sturdy hangers (not wire) and allow “breathing” space in the... View Article

Blouses Questions

Blouses “A cotton blouse that I haven’t worn for a while has a mysterious tear. I don’t recall snagging it on anything. What could have happened to it?” A. Mysterious holes sometimes develop in cellulose fabrics such as cotton, linen, rayon, acetate and blends of these fabrics. The damage may appear as a circular hole, tear, or weak, thin area with no particular shape. There are two basic causes: one is the result of the fabric coming in contact with... View Article

Stretching your clothing care dollar Questions

“My job requires a professional wardrobe. When I purchase a suit, how can I be sure that it will last?” A. When you’re putting together your professional wardrobe, plan for the long term. “Investment pieces” or well-made timeless classics are designed to last and withstand the whims of fashion trends. Choose conservative, neutral colors such as black, gray or navy, and make sure each piece you add can be mixed and matched with pieces you already have. Good suits with... View Article

Clothing Care Labels Questions

“It seems every time I look at a care label, there’s a different symbol. How can I figure out what they mean? Also, if the label says ‘hand wash’ do I really have to hand wash the garment?” A. Care labels can be a pain in the neck, both literally and figuratively, but they have important information about the processing of your garments. Click here to see the care label chart that translates the symbols into plain English. By the... View Article