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Stretching Your Clothing Care Dollar

Your clothing is an investment, so treating it well goes a long way in extending the life of your clothes. After each wearing: Empty pockets so that they do not sag or bulge Dry rain-soaked or damp garments thoroughly in a well-ventilated area before hanging in the closet Treat stains immediately to improve the likelihood of removal Avoid direct exposure to sunlight or artificial light that can cause fading. Don’t jam your clothes together in your closet Air clothing that... View Article

Stain and Spot Removal Questions

“How can I protect my clothes when I am out in the hot sun?” A. It’s important to protect your clothing from stains as well as perspiration and suntan lotion harm this summer. Perspiration shows up particularly in underarms, collar, back and waistbands of garments. It may not be noticeable at first, but oxidizes over time, becomes darker and stains clothing. Garments should be washed or dry cleaned regularly so the perspiration residue is removed when fresh, preventing permanent damage.... View Article

Shirt Laundering Questions

“What causes buttons to break in shirt laundering?” A. The two main reasons buttons break are time and construction of the button. Over time, buttons become brittle and break from normal wear and tear. But in many cases they are made of materials that do not handle the heat involved in home or professional laundering. Sometimes the crack is so fine, it is difficult to detect. This is one of the most common problems facing drycleaners and at Anton’s we... View Article

Sewing Buttons Questions

Q. What’s the best way to sew a button? A. Sewing on buttons is not difficult, but requires care and patience. Since buttons do come loose or fall off, it’s a very useful skill. It’s best to use the original button if you have it, if not check for extras that may have come with the garment. (It’s a good practice to have a common place for extra buttons that often come with new garments, if they’re not sewn into... View Article

Seasonal Storage Tips Questions

What should I know about storing my clothes for the season? A. Be sure clothes are clean before putting them away. Invisible stains, such as coffee and soft drinks, can oxidize over time and appear as yellow. The longer the stain sets, the more difficult it is to remove. Insects such as moths, crickets and silverfish also love to feast on food, perfume, body oil and perspiration stains doing irreparable damage to the fabric. Store in a dry, well ventilated... View Article