Over 100 years of unwavering commitment to dry cleaning excellence and community service.
For over 100 years, we have set the standard for excellence in dry cleaning and shirt laundering. It all began when Charles Antonopoulos opened Highland Cleaners in 1913, in Lowell, MA. Now, a third generation of Anton’s operates over 40 locations throughout eastern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.
A look back
In 1913, Charles Antonopoulos launched a cleaning business, Highland Cleaners, in Lowell, MA. He built a more modern facility 15 years later along the Merrimack River in Lowell. When the 1936 flood destroyed it, he moved it to Broadway Street, also in Lowell.
During the 1950s, we began to expand, first to Andover, then Wilmington. This set the stage for our rapid growth that followed. In 1957, the name Anton’s Cleaners was officially born and additional plants and dry stores opened.
Starting in the 1960s, the three sons of our founder took over the leadership of the company. Arthur Anton, Sr., became president and the other members of the team included his brothers, Socrates and Alexander. Together, they guided the company’s explosive growth throughout eastern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire, while maintaining a passion for unparalleled customer service and clothing care excellence.

1986 – Al Jordan, President of Fabritec International, presenting a plaque to Arthur Anton, Sr., commemorating Anton’s 50 years as a Sanitone licensee.
From left to right: Owners Soc and Arthur Anton with Al Jordan. Sons Charles and Arthur in background represent the third generation in the family business.
In 1966, Arthur Anton, Sr. was quoted in the Lowell Sun, “No matter how large we grow we will adhere to these principles (highest standards of quality in drycleaning and laundry while giving our customers the utmost in service and convenience) and we pledge to give the finest professional drycleaning and laundry service available anywhere.”
This mantra continues to guide the third generation of Anton’s, Charles A. Anton and Arthur Anton, Jr., who entered the company in the early 1980s. In addition to setting the standard for customer service in the dry cleaning industry, Anton’s is a leader in environmental responsibility and community service.
In good company: Associations
Anton’s actively participates in numerous associations to remain at the leading edge of its technical abilities and customer service:
- Dry Cleaning Laundry Institute
- Methods for Management
- North East Fabricare Association
- Neighborhood Cleaners Association
- Sanitone-Certified Master Dry Cleaner
- The Round Table of Drycleaners and Launderers