Become A Collection Partner
It’s easy to get started!
- Select your drive date(s) and location. A drive can last a day, a week, a month, or the entirety of our dress drive. Pick a length of time within the official Belle of the Ball collection dates (2/3- 3/16) that work for you and your community.
- Register your drive. We want to be able to assist you with your collection drive. Register through the form below!
- Spread the word! Tell your community about your dress drive with Belle of the Ball! Check out our promotional materials and edit your own flyer!
- Collect gently-worn trendy prom gowns
- Drop off the collected gowns at any Anton’s Cleaners, Jordan’s Furniture, or Enterprise Bank by March 16th. Anton’s will clean the gowns free of charge and display them at Boutique Day, an invitation-only event for qualified high school students!
Become a Collection Partner
Become a Collection Partner