Children’s Friend Gives Out 1,000 Coats to RI Families in Need

Just in time for the re-emergence of the cold weather,Children’s Friend distributed more than 1,000 gently used coats to Rhode Island children and families at its Berkshire Street site. Donated by Anton’s Cleaners of Framingham, Mass., the coats went to deserving families in the Providence area.

Ongoing need

Rhode Island has the highest percentage of children living in poverty in New England – one in six – so donations like this one, along with the myriad services Children’s Friend provides, are critical for struggling familiesIn the winter months. Ensuring that children have access to basic necessities like a winter coat is essential, said organizers.

Children’s Friend

A non-profit organization founded in 1834, Children’s Friend is a leading provider of child welfare, family support, mental health, and child development services. Families are strengthened by creating safe and nurturing environments for children during the crucial early years, and by helping parents gain access to the resources, education, and support that they need. In this way, children are given the foundation to help them live healthy and productive lives. Children’s Friend provided services to help over 30,000 children and families in 2011.

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